
Friday, December 26, 2008 at 2:38 PM
So yea, Xmas is finally over, and thank fucking God.

I dont have to see the same holiday commercials that started the day before Halloween.

I dont have to wait in line at the local Target just to buy toilet paper.

I dont have to turn on my local radio station and hear some shitty pop punk band doing a retarded cover of a retarded Xmas carol.

I am so happy I can get back to normal..

Oh and hope your holidays sucked.

My New Obsession.

Monday, December 15, 2008 at 5:47 PM
Fuck Twilight, fuck Batman, fuck all of those stupid ass mainstream "Gotta watch" movies..

No thanks, my new favorite movie is now Repo the Genetic Opera.

Seriously this shit is so fucking badass, everyone should find a theater to see this in.


Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 4:49 PM


at 4:02 PM
That's right..Finally fucking turned 80.

Now I get to do the awesome rep grind, heroic grind, and raiding grind..

Fuck Yeah!!!

Hate is a strong word.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 12:37 PM
But it is all so applicable.

You see, I have an upstairs neighbor, and this guy is a piece of shit.

He is almost always drunk, always plays his music whatever it is loudly.

He was so messy that he got the whole apartment complex infect with cockroaches.

And now...now today he falls and lands ass first into my living room window.

Yea, fucking pure awesome right there.

Wait Wut?!

Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 1:02 PM
So wait...Did America just get fucking Rick Rolled??

I think I died a little inside.

LFG, need breakfast then gtg

at 4:38 AM
I hate leveling. I hate it more than I hate life itself, and now I have to do it all over again. TWICE!

Now I know there are hella people out there that have more than one toon and what not..

Grats on that..See I am not that stupid to have six 70's..No, see I enjoy just having one toon to deal with, one toon to gear, one toon to choose on to bring to a raid.

But now...Now that all changed..Yea they gave us a new toy to play with, and of course I wanted one.

Fuck you Blizzard for making me have two toons now..

Thanks for Giving?

at 1:05 AM
So I never really cared for holidays, ever.

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that just really annoys the fuck out of me to no end.

Actually, its not Thanksgiving itself...Its the aftermath of the holiday.

Black Friday, holiday rushing, waiting out in line overnite just so you can spend thousands of dollars on useless crap that will either get broken by a 3 year old who did not appreciate it to begin with, or will get returned behind your back by the person who actually asked for it, but didnt want it to begin with.

Seriously fuck all holidays.